Donations towards the Summer Fair help us raise even more money for our fantastic school. We are grateful for anything that you can do to help. Here are the items that we are looking for:
New / Unused/ Unopened children's games, toys and activity sets for a tombola
Bottled items for the very popular bottle tombola
Baked cakes and treats - nut free please
Plants and seedlings for our brand new plant stall.
High quality items suitable for raffle prizes.
Where and when can you donate these items?
Boxes for donations of children's tombola items and for the raffle will be left at both the Infant School and Junior School offices this month. Please drop them off there at your convenience.
Bring a bottle in for the tombola instead of donating towards non-uniform day on Friday 21 June.
Please bring in any nut-free baked treats on Friday 22 June to either school or on Saturday 22 June to the Junior School before 12pm, midday. You're welcome to join a WhatsApp group of bakers by following this link.
Please bring any plants or seedlings along to either school office from Monday 17 June.