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Many businesses run a matched funding scheme as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility Program. In other words, they will match the funds raised at an event if an employee was involved in helping to run the event. This potentially allows us to double the money we raise at events throughout the year or get a capped donation at least. 


Many companies donate if asked, even if they don't have a formal scheme. Please check out your employer's policy and get in touch with us if you can help. This is a way you can make a huge difference for minimum effort! Click here to see which companies we know support Match Funding. 





The PTA is registered with as another channel to support our fundraising efforts. This method requires very little effort and it works by simply signing up and then going to the website (or App) before going to your online store.  


Every time you shop with participating retailers (there are over 4,000 including John Lewis, M&S, Next, Argos, etc) you will earn donations for the PTA.  


There are no catches or hidden charges and the PTA is very grateful for any donations that you could raise just by doing your shopping. All you need to do is select Polehampton Infants PTA or Polehampton Juniors PTA as your chosen cause. 





Similarly Amazon Smile also makes charitable donations on qualifying orders. Use this link first, select Polehampton C of E Infant School or Polehampton Juniors School, and continue shopping as normal and the PTA receives a small commission.  





Need name labels? If you buy your labels from Stikins, the PTA gets a 30% commission! Simply visit their site at and use reference 15945 when you place your order.




When we're able to run our events, we always need volunteers to hep man a stand or bake a cake for us. We know this takes up time but anything you can offer is always appreciated and really does make a real difference.





Want to be able to support the PTA but not able to help with the above? We know there are a number of parents who can't help with the above and instead just like to donate a small amount to our events and fundraising. If you'd like to do so, simply visit our 'Voluntary Contributions' page.

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