Unfortunately we can't do our normal Christmas fair this year due to the pandemic, but instead we still want to do something special for our Polehampton children. So this year we'll be doing a Xmas Fair during school time for just the children to go to.
Like most years, we need your donations to help make this as special as possible.
Secret Room - this is a room where children choose one present for one of their parents or guardians that they wrap (or help get wrapped) and then put under your tree ready for a lovely surprise on Xmas day! The children get really excited about doing this but we don need to make sure there are enough presents for all children to take part. So to help be able to do this we need donations from you of:
wrapping paper (any kind)
suitable gifts for mums, dads and caregivers
Childrens Tombola - It wouldn't be a Xmas fair without a Xmas Tombola!! However, we need your help for some prizes for the kids tombola. You may have some unwanted childrens presents at home you could donate, or any books you no longer need? Anything you can give for the childrens tombola would be gratefully received.
Although it won't be quite the same as previous years, we know our Polehampton children will have so much fun. However, this year it does mean that our normal fundraising is limited for this event and although all children will be able to attend, we are asking parents to make a £5 donation for your child to attend or even put an extra donation in for other children to attend. Simply select the relevant option in the PTA Shop.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give!